Thursday, October 28, 2010

Battle House Hotel, Mobile, Alabama about 1908

Battle House Hotel, Mobile, Alabama about 1908

Battle House and Post Office, Mobile, Alabama 1904

Battle House and Post Office, Mobile, Alabama 1904

The Wolf Woman

The Wolf Woman

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mobile: Through the Decades of Your Life

Starting with the year of your birth and moving forward every ten years, tell about a significant memory you have of that year. It can be something personal or some world event. How it affected your life in Mobile also tells a good story that can be interesting to others. If you moved from Mobile, tell us where you were and how you ended up leaving Mobile.

1955 Born at Providence Hospital. I was the 8th of ten children. Our family lived on Dauphin Street at the time. etc.....
1965 Was in 4th grade at Leinkauf Elementary school. Best friend was Susie Moosie and had Miss Crabapple for my teacher. etc....
1975 Blah blah blah and so on
1985 etc
1995 etc

Btw, no, those sentences are not really about Ole Moe. (teehee)